Dear investors, Iss Life Invest open 
Dear investors, Iss Life Invest open these plans to the public, Our teams remain at your full disposition should you have any questions.
Apr-14-2014 05:17:09 AM

Our Perfect Money Account Has Been Verified 
We would like to inform that our PerfectMoney account has been verified . We hope verified status can further improve the confidence of all our clients about our seriousness in managing this project .

We also want to answer some questions that came to our customer support department regarding payment systems that we use for withdrawal " why all withdrawals using PerfectMoney ? " .

Our answer is : yes we have been using PerfectMoney as our default payment system for withdrawal, and this is because :

1 . Perfectmoney is a global and leading of online payment system that is easier to use and much preferable .

2 . PerfectMoney balance very easily obtained and exchanged for , because all the exchanger does not provide strict requirements for exchange PerfectMoney .

So... in conclusion, you can use multiple payment systems to make a deposit, but all of it will be converted into a single balance in your account and can be withdrawn through PerfectMoney.
Apr-11-2014 08:24:34 AM

Nano Industry Investments sets a new personal record 
Nano Industry Investments develops partner relationships with numerous companies. Latest business analysis results demonstrate a significant increment of investors coming from Asia and US. Along with it, the number of active deposits has doubled compared to the last month's statistics. The company thanks all investors for their contribution into science and welcomes new members.
Mar-27-2014 09:46:56 AM

UHL - Opening an Additional Call Center. 
UHL - Opening an Additional Call Center.

Due to the active growth of the number of investors in UHLeague, as well as the constantly growing demand for consultations, we have decided to open up an additional office of support in the USA.
Active development of the company allowed lately to reduce the requirements for the minimum amount for many very profitable investment plans.
The next natural step is a growth in the channels of investor support that there are more and more of. Over three years of work UHL has high skills in working with investors.
And servicing each of them is an important component of success.

Now you can get a consultation for all questions through a new phone number:

Also, the main phone number is England is available (support service is provided in English and in Russian).

We are continuing to develop and looking for ways of effective and high quality servicing of the growing group of clients. If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions, write to us to:

На русском:

Открытие дополнительного call центра.

В связи с активным ростом численности инвесторов UHLeague, а также постоянно растущим спросом на консультации, принято решение об открытии дополнительного офиса поддержки в США.
В последнее время активное развитие компании позволило снизить требования для минимальной суммы вклада во многие выгодные короткие инвестиционные планы.
Следующим естественным шагом является увеличение каналов для поддержки инвесторов, которых с каждым днем становится больше. За три года работы, UHL приобрело навыки по работе с широкой аудиторией клиентов и продолжает развиваться в духе своих лучших традиций. Индивидуальное обслуживание клиентов - важная составляющая успеха UHL.

Теперь по всем вопросам вы можете проконсультироваться по новому номеру телефона:

Также доступен основной номер в Англии (служба поддержки предоставляется на Английском и Русском языке).

Мы продолжаем развиваться и искать пути эффективного и качественного обслуживания растущей группы клиентов. Если у вас появятся какие-то замечания, идеи или предложения, пишите на наш адрес:

More news:

Best Regards and Thank YOU!

United HYIP League - Registered Company!
United HYIP League - Real Referral Commission 10%!
United HYIP League - INSTANT Payouts!
United HYIP League - SSL from Trust Wave!
United HYIP League - Video Testimonials!
Mar-12-2014 11:20:26 AM

UHL - 500 Days are Successfully Done! / UHL - 500 Дней Позади! 
UHL - 500 Days are Successfully Done!

Our company hasn't stopped developing even for a moment since 2012. Developing
the strategy of investing into diamonds we moved on to oil, and now we are
watching a rapid growth of borrowing operations that we have great hopes for.
500 days of uninterrupted work, 500 days of daily payments and capital growth
have passed unnoticed.

This number by itself is not great, and we are confident that everything is still
in the future for us. However, as investors, we like numbers and 500 seems to be
a beautiful number to us.

In relation to this event we made a small video presentation of UHL. We are
offering it for your consideration. We are confident that this video will
help you, your friends, referrals or partners to get acquainted with UHL quickly
within two minutes and to grasp the general idea about us. In the future we are
hoping to expand the amount of supporting material and we are inclined to think
of this work as an experimental step.

Best Regards and Thank YOU!

United HYIP League - Registered Company!
United HYIP League - Real Referral Commission 10%!
United HYIP League - INSTANT Payouts!
United HYIP League - SSL from Trust Wave!
United HYIP League - Video Testimonials!
Feb-25-2014 06:27:12 PM

9 Cycles of the Most Popular Investment Plan and new Video Reviews! 
9 Cycles of the Most Popular Investment Plan and new Video Reviews!

Investors who have been working with UHL for several years now know perfectly
well about the high stability and effectiveness of our “Diamonds” and “Oil”
portfolios. Due to their successful development, our company was able to earn
a high position in the investment market and become a popular source of passive
income generation in portfolios of many private investors.

Developing the investment concentration in private credit instruments
(“Borrowings”), only in half a year UHL managed to expand and continue its quick
growth. At this moment our company is a recognized leader according to
evaluations of the majority of independent auditors who have been following our
payments every day from 2012:

High positions of our company in the listings (1-5) among monitoring services,
as well as high evaluations (3-5 points out of 5), are one of the indicators
of the fact that our results are noticeable not only for our investors, but
for outside observers as well.

However, our investors can feel the result without the TOP positions in listings
or stars. In the process of our operations, some of them were able to finish up
a few cycles of the “After” plan. The most popular of them is plan number 5,
that lasts for 55 days and that offers 550% of income at the point of expiration.
From the moment that UHL started working online, this plan is finishing the ninth
cycle today.

We are happy that more and more investors find ways of effective use in our
strategy of the investment offer from UHL!
Also, new video reviews available here:

More News:

Best Regards and Thank YOU!

United HYIP League - Registered Company!
United HYIP League - Real Referral Commission 10%!
United HYIP League - INSTANT Payouts!
United HYIP League - SSL from Trust Wave!
United HYIP League - Video Testimonials!
Feb-14-2014 02:12:08 PM

We started accept BitCoin and SolidTrustPay! 
Because of numerous requests to Support Service we decided to make it possible
to open deposits through the popular payment system STP.
Also, we accept payments and pay off with the popular currency BitCoin.
Now, when making a deposit, on the Make Deposit page, you can pick one of
the options and get the instructions.

At the moment, payments are received manually, so in order to make a deposit
you need to use details available on the Make Deposit page in user area.
(But all payments still to occur in the automatic mode).
inasmuch as these operations are impossible to make in the automatic mode
(API of these payment systems is not effective enough to work with the number
of operations we need), deposits in these payment systems are accepted only in
the After and VIP plans - most popular and profitable plans of the UHL
investment company.

The investment plans of After and VIP groups are ones of the most popular in UHL.
In these investment plans, a deposit does not claim a regular attention and gives
a maximum profit. You get both a profit payoff and a return of the deposit at the
end of the term – in 35, 55 or 75 days. The investment plan After 55,
at the moment, has passed 9 cycles and is the most popular in the whole
portfolio of UnitedHYIPLeague.

More news:

Best Regards and Thank YOU!

United HYIP League - Registered Company!
United HYIP League - Real Referral Commission 10%!
United HYIP League - INSTANT Payouts!
United HYIP League - SSL from Trust Wave!
United HYIP League - Video Testimonials!
Feb-14-2014 02:11:38 PM

UnitedHYIPLeague Newsletter 
Dear investors!

1. You know that from March 2013 the center of UHL support is located in Singapore. However, due to the fact that our company has been registered in the United Kingdom, last week we have decided to change our phone number. Now you can reach us by calling +44 203 5196838

The phone is working for 24 hours, every day, and at this point we have an English-speaking and a Russian-speaking operator available. We are working on setting up the call back service.

2. We would also like to inform you that due to the increased number of requests to live support services on the website we have increased the number of operators. We think that even a private investor with a deposit of $25 should be getting the same respect and information level as the investor who provided us a million for management. And for that we need to constantly grow because our audience is constantly growing. In this regard the number of failures of consulting the live chat has increased and for that we apologize using this opportunity.

3. The social integration of the company is continuing to develop. We would like to remind you that our pages in Twitter and Facebook are available:

4. This week our YouTube channel was complemented with several reviews of our investors. Let me introduce some of them:

In this video one of the investors notes the ease of registration on the company website, as well as the convenience of using it.

Angela is an experienced investor who has been working with our company for some time. We are very happy that our team gave her that kind of impression. Here we wanted to thank her for the kind words and tell her that we will continue working even better in order to raise the level of our achievements even higher.

Until later.

From the whole UHL team we wish you an intensive and nice weekend!
More news:
Jan-28-2014 02:05:59 PM

We have some good news for all of you!

We have decided to offer you, as a special gift for the upcoming holidays, a celebratory short term plan.

The plan offers a very special 42% after 15 days plus principal.
Yes, that means if you were to invest a $100, after precisely 15 days you can withdraw $142.

This plan is temporary and will be open for investments up to December the 22nd of 2013.

Following are some details about this special offer for you:

The plan lasts for EXACTLY 15 days, and that means, for example, if you invest on December 10th at 12:00 PM, you’ll get the profit plus principal on December 25th at 12:00 PM. At that time, the profit and principal will show on your account balance, and then you can request the payment using a payment processor.

The profit is, as we said, 42%, meaning that if you invest a $100, you’ll get $142, which is your principal plus 42% profit.

The minimum is the same as in our other plans, which is $1, and there is no maximum. We accept PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay.

This plan lasts until December the 22nd, after which it will be closed for new investments, but of course all the people who invest before December the 22nd will receive their payments, as we have explained in the previous paragraphs.

Once again we would like to note that this is a special plan which is only temporary. After December the 22nd our original daily and weekly plans will, of course, continue as it always were.

Taking the upcoming holiday season and all the gift buying for your loved ones it will bring along into account, we do hope that this will make a noticeable difference for you.

Thank you for your trust.
Dec-8-2013 07:10:12 AM

CATENA FINANCE: Sixth Month Online 
The number of new investors is climbing at an incredible rate as we enter our sixth month online. Those who have been with us from the very beginning are already reaping superb profits, and our new arrivals and ones planning on investing in future will have a chance too, because its only the beginning!
The profit is, as you know, stable and payouts are rapid as always. The speedy growth we are experiencing has not slowed us down.

We are making good progress, and we could not achieve that without your support. We think we are very blessed to have such investors, and you are, it seems, happy with us as well.

We had quite a few challenges along the road so far, getting slammed with DDoS attacks on one side and bad PR on the other. We were blackmailed, criminals demanded money to stop attacking. Not once did we give way to those criminals, and we fought them successfully time and time again. The biggest problem where the DDoS attacks which we manage to avoid in all cases. We think we reached our goal there, making sure that you, our investors, don't feel much of that. We were forced offline a couple of times, but it never lasted more then 10 minutes so there is a chance most of you didn't even notice it. So far, we have been successful in keeping the criminals at bay.

This is, however, only the beginning, and we do not plan on stopping. You can expect many surprises and features in the near future and we think we can guarantee that you will be glad you decided to invest with us.

Thank you for your trust.

Best Regards,
Catena Finance
Nov-26-2013 04:09:57 AM

Next week you will see many modifications! 
Dear investors,

First of all, we would like to thank you for choosing our company for the purpose of increasing your capital.
Every day we work hard to provide security and growth of your investment.

We also have some good news for you!

Next week you will see many modifications to our website, and you will be able to use Solid Trust Pay (STP) system.

Also, chat function is going to be added to our website and will be available 24/7 for your convenience when you have any questions to help you solve any problems faster.

And the list of good news will continue! Follow our news!

We are very glad that you trust us!

Yours truly,
Richard Becker
ARCHICON INVESTMENT, Inc. - Development Company
Nov-26-2013 04:09:53 AM

Welcome to King Funds, Best for you ! 
Whether it is your first attempt in investing or you are an experienced investor, it is always important for you to have confidence in your investment company. We are the independent service provider and we have a huge team of professionals, including traders, brokers, Auditors and bankers to look our business 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
They are always here to provide a solution designed to give you maximum returns.

King Funds staff has experience of more than 10 years in stocks, currencies, bonds, commodities, energies, raw materials and mutual funds. We have people from all over the world who are experienced in their relative field and help our trader in analysis forex market trends.
Nov-18-2013 07:33:44 AM

20K PROFIT makes your dreams come true 
One of these days 20K PROFIT has celebrated its 100th day anniversary. And now the company is ready to share come statistics with you.
By now there are over 30000 active members registered in our program. Total number of deposited funds is approaching to 9 million and investors have already withdrawn almost half of this amount.
Now it is official: 20K PROFIT is on the upswing and it doesn't even think to stop. Recent statistics show that now there are a lot of big deposits made in last couple of weeks.
Due to this financial success our strategic plans look more than realistic, our branch offices now are recruiting new regional representatives.
Joining 20K PROFIT means joining the winners' team!
Nov-8-2013 08:00:01 AM

20K PROFIT increases referral bonuses 
20K PROFIT is experiencing an active stage of the restructuring process. Due to favorable market situation starting with October 27 our marketing department gradually increases referral commission up to 5%.

Bring your friends and acquaintances and get the referral reward. Keep in mind that we DO NOT apply any restraints on the number of accounts registered from the same computer.
We've abolished limitations on the number of deposits for the same investment plan as well.

The ultimate level of referral accruals is to become no less than 20%.
The certain dates of RC increasing are to be announced later.

Keep watching our news feed, there is a lot of advantageous offers coming in the nearest future.
Oct-29-2013 08:36:28 AM

We are expanding our business! 
We are expanding our business!
Online investment business attracts 40% more investments than the equivalent offline investment company. For these reasons our analysts proposed to introduce additional trading terminals and expand the traders staff. The expansion of the trading platform is prompted by a sharp growth of the funds being deposited by our investors since the beginning of the autumn. Our analysts explain this as a result of the higher index of business activity.
Oct-21-2013 04:59:59 AM

20K PROFIT is preparing for a large modernization 
20K PROFIT keeps running its marathon and we're 70+ days online. At the present moment we have a large loyal community that gets bigger day by day. We are proud to report that the number of our corporate clients accounts for about one third of the total number of active members in 20K PROFIT.
Just a couple of days ago the total number of our active investors has reached 25000 and keeps growing.

The main objective of the upcoming modernization of 20K PROFIT is to make the investment system more user-friendly and more productive.

Just keep watching the evolution of 20K PROFIT. Don't miss your chance to become a part of 20K PROFIT community! Join right now!
Oct-12-2013 11:46:08 PM

Instant Payment With Egopay 
Good news for the Investors who made a deposit with Egopay, from the now all withdrawal requests with Egopay will be proceed instantly, we have enable api for the Egopay. We would welcome to all our Investors who taking apart in Commission Trade.
Oct-12-2013 11:46:03 PM

Now You can withdraw the Deposit at any time!!! 
Good news for investors!!! The administration of "GoldLineFinancial" took into account Your wishes! Now in the investment package "Every Day 1.5-2.0% for 90 days." You can withdraw the full amount of the Deposit at any time, prior to the expiration of 90 days!!!
Oct-4-2013 01:11:52 PM

Over 20K of active investors awaiting fresh updates from 20K PROFIT 
20K PROFIT has a big base of loyal clients and this happy family is growing day by day. This program is online for 60+ days. We strive to become the most stable program of the recent months by keeping regular payments and by adjusting to new market conditions. As number of our customers is constantly growing, in recent future 20K PROFIT is ready to announce some new promising updates regarding new investment opportunities. Hurry up and get your $20 000!!!
Oct-4-2013 01:11:46 PM

Exnest Your Business Solutions 
The business investment company Exnest, started providing to investors online.
Investors may open accounts, and make deposits from over the world.
Sep-12-2013 01:38:12 AM

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DISCLAIMER: We do not own or promote any programs listed here. The information provided here is for your own use. Some programs, investments or any listings here may be illegal depending on your country's laws. We do not recommend you spend what you cannot afford to lose.
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