Site Listing
HotHYIPs is a listing of high yield investment programs.

You can add a new investment program or a game only if you are the administrator or the owner of the corresponding project.
Don't submit a referral url. Write the e-mail from your program domain.

We have the right to refuse your program listing.

If you submit to any type of advertising option and your program won't pay to investors, we have the right to disable your ad.

You cannot rate your own program. If our system will find such a vote your program will be blacklisted. To get more proper votes you can place our button in the most visible place on your site and ask your members to vote every 24 hours.

We are monitoring listings in the 'Trial', 'Normal' and 'Premium' sections for $0 FEE (if you are not using pirated sofware). All your payment will be forwarded back to you as a deposit to your program.

You can add your listing to the 'Trial' section to start our monitoring. After 80% deposit's earnings will be withdrawn (for long term programs) or 7-9 payments done (for short term programs) your listing will be moved to the 'Normal' section if we are satisfied with your service.
If your site is successfully working 30 days and you are paying all requests in time - we will consider your listing advancement to the 'Premium' section.

Please read next rules before add program and make payment:
- If your program break our rules we will decline your listing without refund.
- We do not accept programs have 3 level domain (like:
- We do not accept programs from free domain names (like .tk)
- We do not accept programs hosting on free hosts
- We do not accept AutoSurfs programs
- If you are using not licensed (pirated) script you should pay us $20 not returnable fee. We will not approve your program till you send us deposit funds + $20 fee.
- To approve your Trial listing we should receive your minimum deposit but at least $20
- To approve your Game listing we should receive your minimum deposit but at least $10
- If you have selected Game group but really your program is HYIP we will decline your listing

  • Add your program to Trial listing
  • Add your program to Games listing

  • Sponsored Listing
    We are proud to present us our new option: From now on you can sponsor you site listing, and your listing will be located higher than not sponsored ones in your group. But your competitor can pay more than you and up his listing, so be aware!
    The upper listing is the listing which pays more $$$. It could be more than profitable for the Premium listings. Want to be listed first? Compete for a better sponsoring!

    The minimal sponsoring price: $10/week only! Hurry, only 3 listings (2 for premium, 3 for normal, 3 for games and 4 for trial sections) can be sponsored in one listings group at a time!

    To make your listing sponsored you must login here.

    Banner Ads
    Place your banner ad at the top of all our pages for only:
    1,000 impressions - $3.00
    5,000 Impressions - $12.00
    10,000 Impressions - $20.00

  • Add your 468x60 image banner

  • Attention!
    If your game or HYIP site is found reported as scam on more than one listing site for more than one day we reserve the right to decline or remove your listing, banner ad or text ad without notice and refund!
    Text Ads
    Place your text ad information at the top left corner of our site starts $20/week.

  • Add your Text Ad

  • Attention!
    If your site offer more than 10% daily (our experience shows this only scam sites only) we have right to remove your ad in any time without notice and refund.
    If your game or HYIP site is found reported as scam on more than one listing site for more than one day we reserve the right to decline or remove your listing, banner ad or text ad without notice and refund!
    Links Exchange
    Place our logo to your site (simply copy and paste this html code to your html):
    DISCLAIMER: We do not own or promote any programs listed here. The information provided here is for your own use. Some programs, investments or any listings here may be illegal depending on your country's laws. We do not recommend you spend what you cannot afford to lose.
    January - February
    Search Site

    Text Ads (not monitored)
    Place Your Ad Here
    Starts from $20/week
    Place your Text Ads Here
    Last 10 payouts
    Amazing! Get up to 20% of your first investment bonus from 2025.
    Dear investors:
    Welcome to 2025, in the new year we bring the first surprise of the new year to all investors! We will bring generous bonuses to investors. From 2025/01/07 to 2025/01/09, we have brought deposit rewards to users. Yes, every investor (including recharge users and potential investors, excluding monitors) will receive our rewards (including cash recharge and balance recharge), all rewards will be issued to the account balance within 48 hours, and users can use the rewards to recharge or recharge and withdraw cash.
    Our bonuses will be sent according to the deposit plan selected by the investor:
    Join Plan 1: 3% of the deposit amount
    Join Plan 2: 5% of the deposit amount
    Join Plan 3: 10% of the deposit amount
    Join Plan 4: 15% of the deposit amount
    Join Plan 5: 20% of the deposit amount
    We hope to bring some enthusiasm to investors in the new year through the bonus plan. You can also view all our expenditures: . Of course, if you have any questions, you can contact our online support via email or Telegram. Have a great day and all the best!
    Jan-19-2025 05:46:50 AM

    Happy New Year 2025!
    Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed a remarkable holiday season.

    At dxMerchant, we have actually been toiling all through the holidays to be able to bring to you some further facade and features inertia.
    Jan-19-2025 05:46:48 AM

    Marketing agency and lead generation syndicate is a marketing agency and lead generation syndicate, with a sharp focus on cryptocurrency and credit repair. more
    Jan-19-2025 05:46:46 AM

    Congratulations! Completed the first cycle of work, 10% deposit discount for all investors!
    Dear investors:
    We are bringing deposit discounts to all investors from 2025/01/15 to 2025/01/20. During this period, all users (including existing investors, potential investors, excluding monitors) will receive a 10% deposit discount. The discount will be sent to the investor's balance in cash, and users can deposit or withdraw at any time.
    All deposit discounts will be sent within 12 hours. If you have any questions, please contact us. Wish you all the best!
    Jan-19-2025 05:46:44 AM

    Add new investment plans, And cancel the withdrawal fee!
    Dear investor:
    Today, we have launched a new investment plan to enrich our products. We will provide a shorter deposit plan. Please check our new investment plan:
    1, 0.25% Daily for 22 Business Days (Principal Release)
    2, 0.35% Daily for 22 Business Days (Principal Release)
    And from today, we will update our withdrawal service, and the withdrawal fee for cryptocurrencies will be canceled, which means that all the bonuses will be sent 100%to the investor wallet without paying any fees!

    We aim to establish long -term and safe investment projects. If our investors have doubts, please don't forget to get in touch with our live support and greetings!
    Oct-25-2023 02:30:25 PM

    Today, we launched our first preferential discount promotion for, welcome investors to join us! more
    Oct-11-2023 11:11:35 AM

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    Put this logo on your site!
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